15 Prayers to Combat Pride: Seeking Humility

Pride can often create a barrier in our relationships with others and with God. It’s important to continuously seek humility and openness of heart. Here are fifteen prayers to help in combating pride and fostering a spirit of humility.

Prayer 1: Prayer for Humility

“Lord, please instill in me a spirit of humility. Help me to see my worth, not above others, but as equal in Your eyes. Amen.”

Prayer 2: Prayer for Wisdom

“God, grant me the wisdom to recognize the pride in my heart and the grace to turn it into humility. Amen.”

Prayer 3: Prayer for Love

“Father, let Your love fill my heart. May it replace any pride, fostering a spirit of humility and understanding. Amen.”

Prayer 4: Prayer for Compassion

“Lord, help me to practice compassion and humility, putting the needs of others before my own. Amen.”

Prayer 5: Prayer for Selflessness

“God, guide me to live selflessly, letting go of my pride and serving others with a humble heart. Amen.”

Prayer 6: Prayer for Understanding

“Father, grant me the understanding to see others through Your eyes, breaking down walls of pride and fostering connections. Amen.”

Prayer 7: Prayer for Patience

“Lord, give me patience with myself and others as we all strive to combat pride and live in humility. Amen.”

Prayer 8: Prayer for Acceptance

“God, help me to accept my faults and to not let pride hinder my growth. Let me embrace humility in all aspects of my life. Amen.”

Prayer 9: Prayer for Gratitude

“Father, let gratitude replace pride. Help me recognize all the blessings I have received and to humbly appreciate them. Amen.”

Prayer 10: Prayer for Guidance

“Lord, guide me in my journey towards humility. Let me not be swayed by pride but follow Your path with a humble heart. Amen.”

Prayer 11: Prayer for Openness

“God, open my heart to receive Your grace. Let me not be held back by pride, but be open to Your transformative love. Amen.”

Prayer 12: Prayer for Forgiveness

“Father, I seek Your forgiveness for the times I’ve let pride rule my actions. Help me to turn towards humility in repentance. Amen.”

Prayer 13: Prayer for Transformation

“Lord, transform my heart. Replace pride with humility, selfishness with generosity, and haughtiness with love. Amen.”

Prayer 14: Prayer for Serenity

“God, in the face of pride, give me serenity. Let me accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and possess the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.”

Prayer 15: Prayer for Humble Leadership

“Father, as I lead others, let me do so with humility. Help me to serve others with love, not out of a desire for power or recognition. Amen.”

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