16 Prayers for Negative Test Results

In times of uncertainty, when awaiting test results, our minds can be filled with worries and apprehensions. Prayer can offer solace, peace, and strength during these trying times. Here are sixteen prayers that we hope will bring you comfort and positivity as you hope for negative test results.

Prayer 1: Prayer for Peace

“God, grant me peace of mind as I wait for these test results. May I find solace in Your presence. Amen.”

Prayer 2: Prayer for Strength

“Lord, infuse me with strength to face whatever comes. Let me draw resilience from Your love. Amen.”

Prayer 3: Prayer for Patience

“Father, gift me with the patience to await my results without anxiety. Remind me to rest in Your timing. Amen.”

Prayer 4: Prayer for Hope

“God, keep the flame of hope alive in my heart. Let me trust in Your healing and grace. Amen.”

Prayer 5: Prayer for Wisdom

“Lord, if my test results are not as I hope, grant me the wisdom to understand and the courage to face them. Amen.”

Prayer 6: Prayer for Healing

“God, extend Your healing hand over me. Let my body and mind find health and wellness. Amen.”

Prayer 7: Prayer for Courage

“Father, should my journey be challenging, give me the courage to walk the path and the faith to trust in You. Amen.”

Prayer 8: Prayer for Comfort

“God, comfort me as I wait. Let me find solace in Your unchanging love and grace. Amen.”

Prayer 9: Prayer for Gratitude

“Lord, despite the uncertainty, I am grateful for Your guidance and love. May I find reassurance in Your promise. Amen.”

Prayer 10: Prayer for Protection

“Father, protect me from harmful thoughts and anxiety. Let my mind and body be safe in Your care. Amen.”

Prayer 11: Prayer for Trust

“God, let me trust in Your divine plan. May I have faith that everything happens for a reason. Amen.”

Prayer 12: Prayer for Guidance

“Lord, guide me as I wait for my results. Let my heart be directed by Your wisdom and love. Amen.”

Prayer 13: Prayer for Positive Energy

“God, surround me with positive energy as I await my test results. Let me find optimism in Your promise. Amen.”

Prayer 14: Prayer for Acceptance

“Father, whatever the outcome, give me a heart of acceptance. Teach me to find peace in Your will. Amen.”

Prayer 15: Prayer for Resilience

“Lord, let me be resilient in face of my fears. Let me stand firm in faith, trusting in Your goodness. Amen.”

Prayer 16: Prayer for Divine Intervention

“God, I ask for Your divine intervention. Let Your will be done in my health and life. Amen.”

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